

BREAKING NEWS! NEW landing page for registrations now available! New complete website on Google Sites to follow.

Bookmark this website! Every month I am posting a new news snippet! FULL list of topics is on the INDEX tab. The NEWS FEED tab only show the latest snippets. You can also subscribe below for in depth emails or subscribe to receive notifications about my news snippets from the side (TWO different email services.)


Are you a Jane or a John trying to figure out a way to make money on the web? Or someone who are trying to figure out a way to make something to become independent from a "I might have to eat cat food when I retire in a few years' time" problem?

Frustated woman sitting in front of computer Frustrated man sitting in front of the computer

The problem is that MOST moneymaking programs out there don't work as they promised. They promise you the moon, but just give you desert sand!

Ah, I got your attention! If you read so far, you definitely want some answers! You are not alone in this! I have been there too. And I am still working on my retirement. So what can you do? 

Question and Exclamation Mark

You need to go solo (without those so-called gurus that just want to grab your precious money) and live your dream!

Answer this question for yourself:
What would you REALLY want to do? Go and delve deep for your answer. What you DREAM you can ACHIEVE! And figuring out what you like to do is your first step into your new future.

While you are sorting your dreams out, join my mailing list NOW and I will send you an email with FIVE steps for starters, as well as more emails on an ongoing basis, to help you back on track! I will show you where you can advertise for FREE or for next to nothing, as well as where I am currently working to make some money for my retirement.

You will also be automatically subscribed to my Success With Duck 786 Monthly Quack newsletter, also at no cost to you! Yes! TWO FREE subscriptions in one!

How much would this guidance cost you?
No money needed


So put your purse and credit card away and click this link NOW!

(new registration website)


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